Sitecore is making a massive push to get the new version of Sitecore easily usable with containers.


Where to begin?


I started out by going to the official Sitecore documentation for container support. here


What are containers?


Containers are executable unis of software that code is packaged in, along with libraries and dependencies, so that it can be run anywhere, whether on the developer machine, an on-premise server, or in the cloud, and deployed easily and consistently of the target environment.


Install Docker


Step 1: Download the docker for desktop from here

Step 2: After downloading and running the exe.



And Docker begins unpacking files.

When it’s done, you will need to close and restart.


After setup is done we need to check the docker is running or not and switch to the windows container and verify the installation before we proceed.


On the Docker whale in the task panel, right-click to show the context menu. You should see, “Switch to Windows containers” as an option. Click that to switch to windows. If you see “Switch to Linux containers” that means you are already running windows container and are all good.



Verify you are running windows by opening a command prompt and typing “docker version”.

 Now that we are up and running with the correct OS, let’s get the first Sitecore Image running.