SXA Tenant
Tenant folder that is a folder or container that contain multiple tenants that we have as a part of site. Inherited from _Base Tenant Folder.
Folder name with Tenant name - /Sitecore/templates/Project/<Tenant Folder name>
A Template
Path - /Sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience
Accelerator/Multisite/<Tenant Folder>
A Tenant
Tenant is a main part of the Sites. Site in
same tenant are related, for example because they share the same set of
templates or part of media library.
While creating a tenant some default modules come with
Template - /Sitecore/templates/Project/<Tenant
Once we enter the tenant name then click Ok tenant
will create. Please refer below image for Tenant Processing and Tenant creation.
Creating Site
Site is a collection of content and output with a
common overall business objective sharing a common set of assets.
Right click on Tenant
Select an option to create Site or
Site Folder
Site Folder
Site folder is a container for multiple sites.
Template - /Sitecore/templates/Foundation/Experience
Accelerator/Multisite/Site Folder
General tab – Provide Site name, host name, and
virtual folder. We can keep this as default value and we can able to change the
value in future based on the requirement.
Select the required modules as a part of Site
Create a new theme or select existing. This will be
our Site theme and can be changes from Page design.
Select a grid mainly bootstrap 4
Once all the selection and value given for site creation then click OK. Then it will create a new Site and necessary module installed by default based on the selection.
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