Setup Prerequisites:

Note: must log in to before downloading

Step by Step Process:

Step 1: Create a new folder for Example D:\SiteCore\SiteCore_Instance\SC9.2\SIA 

Step 2: Install Solr version 7.5. Refer this link for installing Solr 7.5

Step 3: Install Sitecore Installation Framework (SIF)

If your machine already has SitecoreInstallFramework 1.2.1 but for Sitecore 9.2  we have to install SitecoreInstallFramework 2.1.0 as

Installation Command for SIF:

Install-Module -Name SitecoreInstallFramework -RequiredVersion 2.1.0

You can get a list of all available SitecoreInstallFramework module as
List of Framework Available Command:
Get-Module SitecoreInstallFramework –ListAvailable

Step 4: Download Sitecore 9.2 Package

Download and unzip the package for XP single.

Must log into before downloading)


SIA installation files needed for installation can be downloaded.

Extract the downloaded file and you should have installation folder containing these files:

Step 5: copy / paste the following ones to D:\SiteCore\SiteCore_Instance\SC9.2\SIA

Sitecore 9.2.0 rev. 002893 (OnPrem)
Sitecore 9.2.0 rev. 002893 (OnPrem)
Sitecore.IdentityServer 3.0.0 rev. 00211 (OnPrem)

unzip XP0 Configuration files 9.2.0 rev. and copy / paste all files to D:\SiteCore\SiteCore_Instance\SC9.2

Step 6 : override sitecore-XP0.json + xconnect-xp0.json + IdentityServer.json + XP0-SingleDeveloper.json in order to inject the custom install directory

Open raw and then copy/paste sitecore.XP0.json into D:\SiteCore\SiteCore_Instance\SC9.2\SIA\sitecore-XP0.json

Open raw and then copy/paste xconnect-xp0.json into D:\SiteCore\SiteCore_Instance\SC9.2\SIA\xconnect-xp0.json

Open raw and then copy/paste IdentityServer.json into D:\SiteCore\SiteCore_Instance\SC9.2\SIA\IdentityServer.json

Open raw and then copy/paste XP0-SingleDeveloper.json into D:\SiteCore\SiteCore_Instance\SC9.2\SIA\XP0-SingleDeveloper.json

Step 6: Copy/paste your Sitecore license file license.xml

Step 7 : download sc920_install.ps1 and copy paste it to D:\SiteCore\SiteCore_Instance\SC9.2 then open it to correct the following parameters

Ø(optional) $InstallDirectory (this one is to specify your own install directory)
Ø(optional) $Prefix
Øoptional) $SitecoreAdminPassword

Step 8: Open Windows PowerShell (run as administrator) 

Step 9 : change the directory to D:\SiteCore\SiteCore_Instance\SC9.2 and execute the powershell file .\Install_Sitecore92.ps1

Step 10: hopefully there is nothing can stop the installation process and then note Sitecore Admin Password

NOTE: Be ensure the License file is not expired.

Be happy !!!