How to uninstall a Solr service

Installing SOLR as a service with NSSM is fun, but sometimes we want to uninstall the SOLR services because of requirement change . SOLR so let's see how to uninstall a window SOLR service

If you have installed SOLR as a service using NSSM then you can follow below steps:

Step 1: suppose we want to uninstall a Solr service with name solr6.6

Step 2: Open the cmd.exe in administrator mode and run the below query. Change the below path where  NSSM.exe is located. in this case my nssm
Path : C:\solr7\nssm-2.24\win64


Step 3: In the cmd change the path example cd C:\solr7\nssm-2.24\win64

Step 4: Type  ->  nssm remove solr-6.6.2

Note: The Service name copied from the service below image refers to that.

Step 5: Next Screen, Remove the service, Click Yes.

Step 6: After click yes, the service removed successfully.

Step 7: Services will be removed successfully and you will see a similar screen.